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Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Reactions of Tantalum
Reactions with water
Tantalum does not react with water under normal conditions. The surface of tantalum metal is protected by a thin oxide layer.
Reactions with air
Tantalum does not react with air under normal conditions. The surface of tantalum metal is protected by a thin oxide layer.
Reactions with halogens
Tantalum does react with all of the halogens upon warming to form tantalum(V) halides.
  2Ta(s) + 5F2(g)TaF5(s)
  2Ta(s) + 5Cl2(g)TaCl5(s)
  2Ta(s) + 5Br2(g)TaBr5(s)
  2Ta(s) + 5I2(g)TaI5(s)
Reactions with acids
Tantalum appear not to be attacked by many acids at room temperature but does dissolve in hydrofluoric acid or oleum (a solution of sulphur trioxide in sulphuric acid also known as fuming sulphuric acid).
Reactions with bases
Tantalum metal is attacked by molten alkali.
Reduction Potentials
Balanced half-reaction E0 / V
Ta2O5 + 10H+ + 10e-2Ta(s) + 5H2O -0.81